Winner, Film & Visual Art

On November 28, 2021, the best films of the 1st Return International Film & Art Festival were announced at Notenbank Weimar. 7 unique works that told entrancing, poignant and meaningful stories made history not only for the artists behind the projects, but also for our festival. With this in mind, we would like to thank all participants and supporters for their dedication and hereby once again give respect and recognition to the winning films:
Best Short Fiction Film and Best Director: Jethro Massey for the film "Trauma Industries" (France).
Best Short Animation: "Sigh" by Vlad Bolgarin (Moldova)
Best Direction for a Short Film: Markus Keim and Beate Hecher for "Pangaea" (Austria)
Best Documentary: "Beautiful Remains" by Céleste Galliot-Dollet (France)
Best Documentary (Jury Prize): "Balkan Beats" by Javier Sobremazas (Germany)
Best Director: Anton Belousov and Yury Nemtsov for the film "Valenki" (Russia)
Best Long Documentary: "Rebels With A Cause" by Dobrivoie Kerpenisan (Germany).
Prize winners in the visual arts sector:
Best photo: Mr. Yaser Haj Mohamad Khani (Iran)
Cartoon, Jury Prize: Mr. Vladimir Kazanevsky (Moldova)
Best illustration: Mr. Salar Eshratkhah (Iran)
Best cartoon: Ms. Nahid Maghsoudi (Iran)